
Black Mirror "tech is bad" narrative

Charlie Brooker, the creator of “Black Mirror,” urges fans to recognize that the show has always been more than just a critique of technology. He wants viewers to remember that “Black Mirror” encompasses broader themes and messages beyond a simple “tech is bad” narrative.

According to creator Charlie Brooker, “Black Mirror” goes beyond the dangers of technology. The Netflix series, known for its futuristic themes, took a tonal pivot in Season 6, focusing on cautionary tales about the pitfalls of technology. Brooker explained that this shift was a conscious decision to bring a fresh perspective to the show and prevent it from being typecast as solely a “tech is bad” series.

Brooker expressed frustration with the perception that the show solely criticizes technology, emphasizing that its core message is about the flawed nature of humanity. He clarified, “The show isn’t saying tech is bad, the show is saying people are fucked up. So, you know, ‘Get it right!'”

In Season 6, Brooker highlighted the presence of media commentary, satire, and explored themes related to personal image, identity, and perception. The episodes showcased various aspects, ranging from the pain of real-life situations turning into true crime documentaries, as seen in “Loch Henry,” to more playful and existential nightmares such as “Joan is Awful,” which delved into themes of identity and control.

Interestingly, the episode order on Netflix is reversed from the order in which they were written. For example, “Demon 79,” co-written by Brooker and Bisha K. Ali, was initially conceived as a companion piece to “Black Mirror” and was written as a “Red Mirror.”

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