
Top 5 What is the filthiest joke on a Tv Series

Redditor u/chuckles84 asks: 

What is the filthiest joke that a show has been able to air on network television?

The answers were gold

#2 u/Deliverz


Also Arrested Development:

When Michael tries to get Oscar to give Lucille a little “afternoon delight” because she’s high strung or something similar. Michael is implying that Oscar should have sexy time with his mother, Oscar thinks Michael is talking about getting her a little high as “afternoon delight” is a type of weed strain. Oscar then suggests to Michael:

“Maybe I should put it in her brownie”

Damn, I loved that joke.

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#3 u/ThalesAles


30 Rock - "It wouldn't be a Lemon party without old dick!"

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#4 u/SteamboatWilly48


Also, also arrested development, when Lucille says she couldn’t pay a date to go in that dusty old clap trap, and Michael realizes she’s talking about the cabin

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#5 u/exon86


Modern Family season 2, episode 19.

Phil Dunphy wants to boost his real estate business so he puts decals of his wife Claire and daughter Hailey on his van.

The two take the van for a ride and everyone assumes they are hookers and give Phil a call.

Phil:”You want the little one ? Great choice but I also got an older one with lots of character… well I don’t know if the basement is soaking wet… strange question, but I’d have to check on that. But please call back later so I still got time to give them both a good scrubbing.”

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#6 u/mltain


Family Guy, Meg is about to fight another girl and Quagmire is coaching her.

Quagmire: Just remember what I taught you.

Meg: Relax my throat and maintain eye contact?

Quagmire: Err, no. The one about fighting.

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